There is few smells that can compare to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee! And even fewer smells compare to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the smell of cinnamon swirls!! It takes a hell of a lot of willpower to resist, especially in the mornings when I am feeling a little tired after a hectic weekend and craving the ultimate pick-me-up! West Coast Coffee, located on Temple Lane in the heart of Temple Bar serves the best coffee in Temple Bar (in my opinion!). It has been proven to brighten my day on 9 out of 10 occasions! I am reliably informed that the coffee is ethically sourced, environmentally friendly and hand roasted. It is what I’d call ‘a friendly coffee shop’. They seem genuinely interested in whether my weekend was good (or perhaps they are curious as to what gave me those dreadful bags under my eyes!!). The biggest plus for West Coast is they stamp my loyalty card twice so I only need to buy five coffees to get a free one!!! Oh it’s the simple things in life…
The coffee shop itself has a cosy charm that makes it difficult for me to leave and continue on my way to work. I stare enviously at tourists as they linger and chat over steaming mugs of coffee. I get my ‘usual’ latte which not too milky - I find the lattes in Starbucks far too milky for my liking and the prices far too steep!! Most people who are holidaying in Dublin are usually just here for a few nights so why waste time drinking horrible coffee?
I gave up coffee for April. Why April you might ask! Simply put….because I missed the boat on Lent and decided to just try April instead. Yes it did work. Once I’d made up my mind it wasn’t that difficult. I just choose a different cobbled street to walk down to work, purposely avoiding the inviting aroma of coffee beans that wafts its way down Temple Lane each morning greeting me. But once May Day rolled around I was back to my vice with a vengeance! I’ve decided life’s too short to give up coffee!
Walking Time from Temple Bar Hotel to West Coast Coffee - 5 minutes.
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